Tuesday, December 27, 2005

where the wet stars are keeping their exquisite dreams

after cleaning my room and getting ready for work, I decided to surf the internet.

my conclusion: some people should not write poetry. I feel like if kim was reading this- she would whole-heartedly agree.

another conclusion: some should not post pictures of themselves on the internet. it isn't flattering.

i went to bed early last night. I felt emotionally and physically drained, but my mind was flowing with ideas for photography. Out of nowhere, in the darkness I had a whole lot of ideas. I couldn't fall asleep for anything.
I have all these photographs inside my head, just laying there. All I have to do is put it together. Super excited. Kind of nervous.

my father had even complimented me, i overheard him speaking to my uncle. he said " they aren't just photographs, it's like fine art. it's really neat to see."

i just got really pumped.

"O Love! upon thy dim shrine of intangible commeration... i spill my bright incalcuable soul."

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