Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Long day ahead of me. I haven't updated in a while due to the craziness that has overcome my days. The transformation of nanny-ism is on its way. I've got Childhood Education Age 2- Adolescence. Which I am very excited for.
The other nannys are fairly nice. Haven't gotten to know them quite yet but I am getting there. I've realized with every new person I meet I learn something about myself. I'm confident. I write my most intimate thoughts in here that you probably don't get to see the side that other people do. Put me next to three girls and i have become the girl to make everyone laugh. I'm not afraid to say hello. I'm not afraid to make a fool out of myself so you can laugh. Just give me a smile. So here is one of my feel good blogs, that I can look back on and smile myself.
I am a strong young woman. Some may say at 18 you can't be a woman yet. But I know I am there. I can take care of myself. Meet new people. Not be afraid. Get up get going. I've got a good personality that people like.
SO in the times when I am depressed about who I am and my flaws...I'll look back to the times I meet the new.

1 comment:

Lee~William said...

That sounds like a good practice ..I tend to overlook my positive qualities and experiences