Thursday, October 04, 2007


Honestly, I'm a little cranky. I have hit a dry patch in writing in the white box. I've started to write then I would just become too exhausted of my own thoughts to continue. And I'm kinda still there. I find myself needing a glass of wine everynight. My mouth begs for a cigarette. But I just end up sitting here restlessly talking to a guy I should not be talking to, drinking a glass of wine I should not be drinking, and wishing for things I should not be wishing for.

Perhaps part of growing up is realizing that your wishes have become dreadfully small. I wish all my debt would go away. Which I suppose is not that small because in a way it is saying, I wish I could start over.
I wish I didn't have to get up for another glass of wine. I wish I didn't gain 5 pounds over my highest weight yet.

I also would love to just leave my retail store high and dry. But I can't do that according to the world.

I would also like to hang out with anyone I like, without the worries of compromising my relationship or a friendship.

I want to live on my own.

I want to be able to afford ingredients for great unmade recipes.

I want to be ok with God. On my own terms and no one else's.

And I don't want to be a downer...

too late.


Alli said...

you know better than anyone that nothing comes easily. just wait.

dream big though. don't let those small worries replace the big dreams you used to have.

ps. that picture is very similar to the one that made me prejudge you on facebook ;) i'm sorry. my judgements almost prevented us from being friends. and then wehre would the world be??

Lee~William said...

It's never too late to start all over again ..what do Christians call it ..? being born again.

I'm glad you write even when you don't feel like it.

and ..I meant to ask ..which actor or actress do you think would best play you in a movie of your life ..?

gnarly nanny said...

damn i feel that.