Friday, December 15, 2006

It's the warmest december I can remember. If i just look at the sky, it a winter sky, clear and crisp. The ground doesn't have an inch of snow, I don't really have to wear a coat outside. The ground bleeds mud, pleading to the sky for snow. Perhaps this is the weather, yet again, paralleling to my life. Situations that are too warm for the season, so muddy i could easily get stuck in it. So my plan is to follow that clear crisp sky and inhale the cold air til my lungs hurt.

Oh, when the wind would blow with rain and snow
Were not all bad
We put our feet just where they had, had to go
Never to go

The shattered soul
Following close but nearly twice as slow
In my good times
There were always golden rocks to throw
at those who admit defeat too late
Those were our times

1 comment:

Lee~William said...

ouuuuu ..the ground bleeds mud ..! cool phrase ..makes my feet feel sticky