Saturday, December 02, 2006

no hesitation

I don't know what i said last night, drunken phone calls always leave a bitter taste in my mouth. The last thing I remember is the tears rolling down my face and repeating, "I don't think I believe you anymore." Whether that was in my head or was actually said, I have no idea.
My mind feels so fresh out here. I have nothing expected of me, and I am actually giggling and laughing hysterically like a girl my age should do every day. But being home with all the pressures an average person faces, I have a lack of the needed laughter that I am getting right now. There's excitement every hour, figuring out, whats next, who to see next. I won't hesitate no more, no more.

Free food, free laughter, real life. I love my friends so much, my appreciation exceeds anything right now. They give me strength in the places where I am the weakest.

It's our god forsaken right to be loved, loved, loved.

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