Wednesday, September 05, 2007

I'm sitting here with my coffee within reach and calming music blasting over any other noise.
I need something a little calming.

I've heard nothing from the family, which probably isn't their fault, but yet the school/agency I am unfortunately attached to. I hear it's chaos, a huge revolving door with the recent staff walking out. And that is a very unfortunate situation for them but ESPECIALLY me. If my agent is gone they will hire a new agent, and new agents concentrate on the new class with little focus elsewhere. And kids, I'm old news with bad luck. I have harassed the school repeatedly within the past 2 days. Calling up probably too often, but I need a job. NOW.

Maybe I should contact this family on my own, no contract but a job.

I have been contacted by two other families from craigslist and the newspaper. Since when was it ok to pay private childcare minimum wage? Or under? I saw one ad that offered 3-4$ based on words for that.

1 comment:

gnarly nanny said...

yeah tell me about it. for four kids, a new puppy and kitten, grocery shopping, cleaning, and laundry, i don't get paid nearly enough. more than minimum wage, but certainly not enough. found my job through craigslist, btw. =)