Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Filling out a questionnaire of simple questions should be that, simple.But leave it to me to find hidden questions in the question: Are you interested in being placed on an international basis?
Well yes, but I don't think right now, maybe later. Can I put later? Can i change this later, or should i just put yes for now and save me some time later, maybe being place in an interview for some international family, that would be wasting time...
In order of Preference list your top ten state to be placed in?
1. Ohio , no sorry that's wrong, I don't want to live in Ohio, i want an excuse to get out of here. Florida, no too hot, but I am sick of the cold. Will I miss the cold? Maybe North Carolina...nah New York? Too busy. California? Living Expenses to high. New Mexico, sure love to, no demand out there. Colorado, beautiful but I am so sick of cold...
Do you have a specific city of interest? Well I love Columbus. Have great friends there, but I don't want to be bogged down by one city.
Best Strengths?
Well... how do I make THIS sound good.
Three words to describe yourself...
1. Goofy ( shoot they don't want a goofy nanny, they want a responsible calm disciplined nanny!)
2. Polite, no no no, Nice. ( nice? what kind of word is that. You pick one and it's NICE???)
3. Outgoing? Smart? Creative? Loving? Compassionate?

I need a thesaurus.

This placement questionnaire is due the 30th along with a resume, with their own format ( which I have never seen), and an autobiographical one page essay about me and my experiences with children. Well that's going to be easy.... shoot.
I feel like I am moving when this school is right down the street. Got my black suit, my tote bag, all my papers, need my transcripts, dang forget new pants....

I think I am stressing out and completely clueless because I am on my own for this one. My parents will help of course, but they have no idea what's going on or what to expect. So here I am, handy dandy with all my checklists and a clump of hair in the other hand.

Overall. This is exciting, I'm doing it on my own, and it doesn't matter where I go, adventure shall always follow.


Lee~William said...

Sounds exciting ..keep your options open ..say yes to international .. some places to consider are: Tucson, Phoenix (Arizona) ..Reno, Las Vegas, Carson City (Nevada) ..Austin, San Antonio (Texas) ..Savannah, Atlanta (Georgia) ..Nashville, Memphis (Tennessee) ..Louisville, Frankfort (Kentucky) .. A loft in Los Angeles ..Bakersfield by the Redwoods ..student housing in Berkeley ..have fun with it ..!

Lee~William said...

the cost of housing may not even be a consideration if you're a live-in nanny